Pulled Together by Faith
I thought as if I were writing a narrative on my way home, and the thought stuck with me like an adhesive throughout the drive home and beyond:”America, a mongrel nation of sorts, being built off of the ethnicities, formed by the immigrants that pulled it together, fixated by them, and weaved together like the quilts of fabric sewn together by the people of American ancestry.
Here I was trying to get comfortable in my own mattress,and as if I were monologging I thad thought to my self “ America is a melting pot.” though only five continuous words, they were enough for me to reach something of an epiphany. America’s identity of immigrants was something i found in common between all the stories and narratives i have read over time, and thus the idea became clear. I got up into a sitting position at the foot of my bed, and thought some more, then I remembered a quote from a work of Anna Quindlen’s “A Quilt of a Country”: “A mongrel nation…” which only heightened my curiosity, and what led me to my search.
I headed towards my laptop to find my answers the fastest way i knew how, and it was by using a search engine of sorts to find an answer to the one question of: “How is an American identity created?” Unfortunately, this was a question not any search engine could fulfill the task of answering to my standards, leaving me stranded and still wanting for an answer; however, I recalled to a conversation I had with my friend that just cane to me, he was in America at the time we called, and would stay there permanently, he migrated one could say. I shan’t forget the words that were told to me by him, and would have never predicted i would’ve received the variable to my solution towards my perplexing equation.
“I’m fine for the time being, but it is being quite difficult, but I believe I can make it work.” In a joking manner he would speak using philosophical dictionary, and though at the time they did not seem of much importance, but now they are the words that I needed. American Identity seemed as a much simpler idea, and the creation of this Identity with the assistance of the words of my friend is faith; faith in where you are, where you go, what you do, what you say, and in others.
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