
Showing posts from September, 2023

Character Analysis of Rodrick Usher

     Edgar Allan Poe's "The fall of the house of Usher" features the tortured character Rodrick usher. Edgar Allan Poe explores the ideas of isolation, curses, supernatural, and haunted characters through Rodrick Usher. Rodrick is shown to be in extreme isolation, and this is a vital character through whom Poe explores, madness, and the supernatural in "The Fall of the house of Usher.      Rodrick's run-down, and dark home filled with a sense of gloom foreshadows his mental instability and his weakened health, introverted and sensitive to certain situations because of his illness, Rodrick avoids social interactions and indulges in creative pursuits, like music and painting. His obsession with impending doom and the Usher family history adds to his anxiety, for these aspects, along with already unstable mental state make him constantly anxious. Rodrick's connection with his twin sister, Madeline, and the narrator highlights his lonesomeness, and melancholy, fo

Fazbear Frights “Into The Pit” and the Idea of What You Wish for

      Oswald's story in "Fazbear Frights: Into the Pit" is a prime example of the "careful what you wish for" theme. In the story titled "Into the Pit," Oswald is a young boy who lives with a financially struggling family in a financially struggling town, which makes Oswald wish for a better, and more fun summer vacation; however, this wish does come true, but not in the way Oswald truly wanted.      One day, After going to a run down place called “Jeff’s Pizzeria” after a visit to the library as he’s done day after day he decides to play a prank on his father, by hiding in a dusty, abandoned ball pit; however, once he exits the ball pit, it appears he has jumped through time into a place named “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria”, Oswald believes he has found a way to make his wishes come true; however, the consequences quickly become apparent, as he is haunted by an entity dressed in the costume of a yellow rabbit that is attempting to kill Oswald.      This