
Showing posts from March, 2023

Mother’s day haiku

 When mothers were placed on this earth they’ve gone above and beyond to care for their kin and we celebrate that on mother’s day

The Power of Words

      Words can do do so much for their speakers, and their listeners. They can change their hearts, slay the darkness of their souls, and show them the light. Those who speak these words are able to express their thoughts and emotions, and show what they stand for. Words can also be dangerous weapons, for the words that are chosen can have different effects and outcomes; hence, they should be chosen carefully. Although words can only reach a few people in contrast to all the people in the world, words have the power to provoke change, calm people, and inspire change.      The strength and meaning words have can cause people to take actions, and many used their voice to reach out to people and push them to take these actions. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one to do so, in his “I Have a Dream” speech, where he says: “ I have a dream right here in Alabama that little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and little white girls as sisters and


 One fine morning A duck roams the land he ends up going to a lemonade stand “Pardon me sir, But do you own grapes” says the duck as it stares with an eager glare “Unfortunately not i’m afraid” says the man “ but I do have lemonade” while counting cash at his stand The duck hops in a car with no lemonade pouring then he traveled far but returned next morning